Sunday, November 14, 2004

Recent Photo(s) #3

Winfield 2004-5

Here is a quick capture of Nate's bass' neck... that was such a shocker. This bass was given to Nate by his great uncle, and the real shocker was that his Uncle passed away about one hour before the neck of the bass broke off. Nate didn't find out about this until after the festival -- his folks didn't want him to be too upset with all the shows we had to play. His uncle passed very quickly and is now at peace and I'm sure is very glad that his nephew makes such great music on this old instrument.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, Vieta, about the bass story.

    And yes, you bet, you can cut and paste the URL for Prison Pete in a comment here, and I and others will surely want to check it out!
