Thursday, October 20, 2005

Baby Gawron born healthy and happy!

Just got a call from Nate. Melissa gave birth at 12:05pm today to a healthy baby girl. Both mother and baby are fine and resting. Here's the basic stats:
weight 7lbs 8 1/2oz
length 19 1/4"



  1. Congrats Nate and Melissa see you at Grandpa & Grandma's Thanksgiving.
    Take care

  2. Sorry, I just don't know any more details. I'd prefer you here about it from the proud parents anyway. They WERE there after all. Just be patient. I'm sure that all will be known soon.

  3. Other than because it would be totally tacky, I don't know one good reason why they didn't have a baby-namin' contest on this blog!

    Okay, other than because it would be totally tacky, and because parents tend to want to come up with their own names for their offspring, that is.

    Congratulations, new parents of baby Gawron (wasn't that the name of a Klingon?... and no, I don't mean "Newparentsofbabygawron", but that might have been his full name)!

    As for names, it's good I'll not be reproducing this lifetime, becuase I believe children should be named using actual words that mean something in the language we speak. It would save them lots of time figuring out what their names are. My number one boy's name is Scholar Random or Scholar Chance (I used to want the latter, but realized "Chance" is also an actual name, and he'd want to go by that at the earliest opportunity). For a girl: Xylophone Allegro (although "Allegro" isn't really a word in MY language, it's still a word used in my language... so maybe it is a word in my language; now that I've gone full circle, I'll call upon the gods of close-parenthesis). This way, she could be called Xylo or Xy--the latter being funny because she'd be a XX, not an XY. Okay, maybe only funny to me.

    All this to say I anxiously await news of Baby Gawron's name. May she lead the Klingon Empire someday. Or at least lead a life fit for a emperor, Klingon or otherwise.
